From real leather satchel bags, black messenger bags, business leather laptop bags and briefcases, canvas backpacks, etc. is here to stay - for work or for play. A versatile crossbody bag is a super convenient item fo everyday 9-5 life to hold whatever you need: a laptop, mobile phones, notebooks, work supplies and more.
What is the best way to store your bags?
It’s best to store your bags in a cool, dry place in your home. It’s important to limit direct sunlight to prevent any lasting damage. Unlike Belts it is important to not hang bags as this can lead to it becoming misshapen.
How do I clean my leather bag?
Life is sometimes messy and unpredictable. In the case that you need to clean your bag make sure to empty it completely, removing any extra dust with a lint roller or soft brush. Give your bag a gentle wipe with a soft cloth using leather cleaner or a small amount of warm soapy water. If using soapy water make sure to dry immediately after cleaning. Do not use Hot or excessive amount of water as this can cause damage.
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